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Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
A Little Talk About Angels
Jude 9 - “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
A Single...or an Evil Eye
In the book of Matthew, Yeshua speaks about a "single" and an "evil" eye. In our Western culture this terminology can be difficult to...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
In the New Testament there are two words which are translated in our English Bibles as Hell. Much confusion has been caused by this...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The word hosanna is found 6 times in the New Testament: three times in Matthew (21:9, 15), twice in Mark (11:9,10), and once in John...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
Baptism - a NewTestament concept only or more ancient? What was its purpose and meaning? Is there a relationship with discipleship?

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
This word is spoken all over the world, in every language, by Christians and Jews alike. The word is of Hebrew origin. It is the...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
Torah Portion Vayetze - Bethel and the Promises of God
Genesis 28:10 – 32:3 (2) This Torah portion means, “and he left”. This comes from the first words of verse 28:10. We read in this portion...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Torah Portion Toldot - Jacob and Esau
Genesis 25:19-28:9 Toldot means “generations” or “descendants” and as always this comes from the opening verse of the portion. In reading...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
Chayei Sarah - The Life of Sarah
Our Matriarch Sarah lived and died- but the point is that she LIVED! Her legacy remains and we can share in her destiny.

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Torah Portion Vayera - Abraham, Sarah, and the Promised Son
Abraham is promised a son by Sarah. Abraham intercedes for wicked Sodom. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and protection for Lot.

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Torah Portion Lech Lecha - Abram Crosses Over
Genesis 12:1 - 17:27 This Torah portion can be divided as follows: Promises to Abram Abram in Egypt Abram Inherits Canaan Lot's Captivity...

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
Torah Portion Noach - As in the Days of Noah
Genesis 6:9 – 11:32 Yah is a God of details. Minute details are often overlooked in scripture but within those minuscule details many...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Torah Portion B’reisheet - In the Beginning
Genesis 1:1-6:8 B'reisheet means “in the beginning”. It is the name of the first book of the Bible in Hebrew (Genesis). In the final...

Brian Barrios
4 min read
Interpreting The Bible Correctly - Part II
II Tim. 2:15 – “Be diligent [study] to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the...

Brian Barrios
4 min read
Interpreting the Bible Correctly -Part 1
Acts 17:10,11 – “Then the brethren innediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the...

Hanne Moon
6 min read
Have We Missed the Mark on the Woman at the Well? (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this two-part series, we discussed the Samaritan woman and the misconceptions we have of her in our present day and age. We...

Hanne Moon
7 min read
Have We Missed the Mark on the Woman at the Well? (Part 1)
It was several years ago that I sat through a sermon on the Samaritan woman that was given by the pastor at my daughter’s church in Alabama.

Leisa Baysinger
6 min read
Shattering the Power of Fear
Learn how to shatter the power of fear with insights from the Bible. Discover what the Bible says about fear and how to overcome it.

Hanne Moon
6 min read
Our world looks a lot different today than it did ten weeks ago, six weeks ago, or even two weeks ago. In fact, with the pandemic...
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