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Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
Hope - Like A Rope
Have you ever considered the meaning behind the Hebrew word for hope? Grab a rope and hold on!

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The Story of Queen Esther and Purim - Have We Missed Something Here?
Queen Esther- She had the courage to risk her life by going before the king to ask for the salvation of her people

Leisa Baysinger
6 min read
Edot, Mishpatim and Chukim/ 3 Divisions of Torah
According to Jewish law there are three divisions of the Torah. I will deal with each one of these separately but first a little...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
What is the origin of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah? Did Jesus (Yeshua) celebrate it?

Leisa Baysinger
10 min read
Creation and the Tree of Life/Guardians of The Way
In the book of Genesis we are given the details of creation in a limited edition, but we are told even less about man's real purpose. We...

Hanne Moon
4 min read
When the Non-Answer Is the Only Answer There Is
Photo by Chaimaa Sekouri on Unsplash In the original Hebrew language of the Bible, there are beautiful nuances that are lost in the...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
The Middle Wall of Separation - The Enmity Contained in Ordinances Ephesians 2:14-15
What did the Apostle Paul mean by his reference to the middle wall of separation in Ephesians 2:14-15?

Leisa Baysinger
10 min read
The Manifestation of His Presence
My Sukkot/Shemini Atzeret Message When we consider the festivals of Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret and how it affects our lives today in the...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Genesis Chapter 3 - The Promise of Hope- The fall of Adam and Eve and The Consequences
In Genesis Chapter 3:11-19 we read the dialogue that took place between YHVH, Adam, Eve, and the serpent (satan) after The Fall. The...

Hanne Moon
2 min read
How Perfect is Perfect?
I don’t know about you, but when I read verses in the scriptures that tell me to “be perfect,” I have to cringe and hang my head in...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
Baruch Ha’ba B’Shem Adonai / Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the LORD
What could be the deeper meaning of Baruch ha’ba b’Shem Adonai? Why did Yeshua state that He would not return until He heard these words?

Hanne Moon
3 min read
Tzitzit (Tassels)
Yesterday we discussed the mixing of wool and linen and the reasoning behind the commandment. We talked about how a mixture of wool and...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Lashon Hara - Evil Speaking
First let's lay a little ground work. Please read: Leviticus Chapters 13 and 14. In most English versions of the Bible the Hebrew word,...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
The Green Tree
Luke 23:26-31 “As they led Jesus away, they grabbed Simon, a man from Cyrene, as he was coming in from the country, and they put the...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Profane Worship
We find in Leviticus 10:1-3 that the two sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, were killed by fire from Yahweh. "And Nadab and Abihu, the sons...

Brian Barrios
3 min read
Por Brian Barrios Hechos 17:10,11 – “Inmediatamente, los hermanos enviaron de noche a Pablo y a Silas hasta Berea. Y ellos, habiendo...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Binding and Loosing - Matthew 18:18
“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be...

Leisa Baysinger
9 min read
What’s Really Happening In The Middle East- The Battle of Two Nations
The Battle of Two Nations: Esau and Jacob

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
Theophilus - Who Was He And Why It Matters?
Was Luke a gentile, and who was Theophilus? Why does it matter?

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Herod the "Fox"
Luke 13:31-32 “At that hour some Pharisees came and told Jesus, "Leave and get away from here, because Herod wants to kill you!" He told...
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