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Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
When Was Yeshua (Jesus) Born- In December or During Sukkot?
The miraculous birth of Yeshua Messah! When did it most likely happen? Would it have been on December25th or at some more appropriate time?

Leisa Baysinger
13 min read
The Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God versusThe Kingdom of Heaven- What are they and how do we inherit this kingdom?

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
The Genealogy of Jesus (Yeshua)
Unraveling the Mystery: The Genealogy of Jesus; The Book of Matthew Genealogy versus The Book of Luke Genealogy.

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
What is the "Yoke" of Jesus (Yeshua)?
Jesus said “take my yoke upon you” - so what is the yoke of Jesus (Yeshua)? What does this have to do with baptism?

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Shavuot - Pentecost
Shavuot is an "appointed time" of Yahweh and this festival (chag) is celebrated in the spring. In English we call this feast Pentecost,...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The word “abba” occurs 3 times in the New Testament and is of Semitic (Hebrew) origin. How does it differ from the word father?

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a...

Leisa Baysinger
9 min read
The Two Witnesses/Anointed Ones
Uncover the profound significance of the two witnesses, Judah and Ephraim, the two olive trees, and their role in biblical prophecy

Leisa Baysinger
9 min read
Living Stones - The Restoration of All Things
I Corinthians 3:16-17: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Corban - Mark 7:11
This word is found only one time in the New Testament (Brit Hadashah) and that is in Mark 7:11. However, it is found more than 80 times...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The word church is never found in the Bible until the New Testament (Newer Covenant). The English translators chose to use this word...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
The Rapture - Where Are We Going?
The rapture - where are we going if not to heaven?

Leisa Baysinger
6 min read
The definition of appease according to Oxford Dictionaries is: “To relieve or satisfy a demand or a feeling”. From Wikipedia, appeasement...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Shabbat - The Sabbath
The Seventh day is still relevant for followers of Jesus today. It was set-apart in the beginning and will be observed in the coming kingdom

Leisa Baysinger
9 min read
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Mark 1:3 - “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”. Here Mark is quoting...

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
The Ten Commandments
The 10 Commandments, or more accurately The 10 Words, are really 10 categories under which many sins are categorized.
Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
Overcoming Fear
Deuteronomy 8:15 - "Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought,...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The word raca is used only once in the New Testament – Matthew 5:22. The word is of Aramaic origin. Aramaic is a Semitic language as is...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Under His Wings
In Matthew 23:37 we read, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
The Rapture: "Left Behind" or “Taken"? We want to be the left behind ones.
I want to be left behind- not taken! The ones taken will receive His wrath
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