Called to Be Separate - Torah Portion Va’etchanan
The Same Unchanging God - Torah Portion Devarim
Keeping Promises - Torah Portion Mattot/Massei
Dealing With Sin In The Church
The Broken Man -Torah Portion Pinchas
Is It Wrong For A Man To Have Long Hair?
Beware of Following the Wrong Voice - Torah Portion Korach
Torah Portion Shelach
The Mixed Multitude - Beha’alotcha
Aaronic Blessing - Torah Portion Nasso
Mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots - Revelation 17:5
Into The Wilderness - Torah Portion Bamidbar
Shemitta and Jubilee/Redeeming Persons- Behar/Bechukotai
The Cup of Jealousy
Elohim speaks/Called to be holy - Torah Portion Emor
Duties of the High Priest /Strange Temple Happenings - Torah Portion Acharei Mot / Kedoshim
The Evil Tongue - Torah Portion Tazria/Metzora