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Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Death of Nadab and Abihu - (Unclean animals) Torah Portion Sh'mini
Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47 Sh'mini means “eighth” from the first scripture in the portion. This portion can be divided up as follows: The...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The Four Cups of Passover
The Seven promises and the four cups of the Passover Seder.

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
Behold the Lamb of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World
What Lamb was John the Baptist referring too when he said of Yeshua, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Pesach- Have You Had Enough of Egypt Yet? Is the Hard Bondage Intensifying?
Are you tired of living in Egypt yet?

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
The Cost of Sin - Torah Portion Tzav
Leviticus 6:1(8) -8:36 The word “tzav” meas “command”. This week's portion can be divided as follows: The Law of the Elevation or Burnt...

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
The 5 Offerings - Torah Portion Vayikra
Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26(6:7) Vayikra means “and He called” in Hebrew. Vayikra is the Hebrew name of the book that we call Leviticus. In...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
13 Attributes of Mercy-Torah Portion Ki Tisa
Exodus 30:11 – 34:35 This Portion of scripture can be broken down into sections as follows: The Ransom Money The Bronze Laver The Holy...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The High Priest’s Garments - Torah Portion Tetzaveh
The high priest had two sets of garments. The golden garments were the most elaborate.

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
The Man on the White Horse- The First Seal
Toxon - Rider on the White Horse - Revelation

Leisa Baysinger
6 min read
His Presence on Earth - Terumah
Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 “Terumah” in Hebrew means contribution, gift, or free will offering. It comes from the beginning of this reading...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Obedience Without Understanding - Torah Portion Mishpatim
Exodus 21:1 - 24:18 Mishpatim means “ordinances” or “right rulings” and is derived from a Hebrew root word meaning “to judge”. It is...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
A Marriage Covenant - Yitro
Torah Portion Yitro Exodus 18:1 – 20:23 In this Portion we read of Jethro (Yitro) giving wise counsel to Moses regarding judging the...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
Stand Still and See the Salvation of the LORD -Torah Portion Beshalach
Exodus 13:17-17:16 Beshalach means “when (he) let go” from the first verse where Pharaoh let the people go. In this reading we find that...

Leisa Baysinger
14 min read
The Exile/Exodus and the Revealing of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua
In this study I will be examining a lot of material. It will be quite long. It is my prayer that each insight addressed in this article...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
A Plague of Darkness
In Exodus 10:21-29 we read about the plague of darkness. In scripture darkness represents wickedness, evil, or spiritual darkness....

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The Last Plagues/The Passover and Exodus from Egypt - Torah Portion Bo
Exodus 10:1 – 13:16 The word “Bo” means go in Hebrew, taken from the first words of the above scriptures when Moses was told to “go” in...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The Seven Promises - Torah Portion Va’era
Exodus 6:2 – 9:35 Va'era means “and I appeared” from the first words spoken by Yah to Moses in the beginning of these scriptures. In...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The Memorial Name of God - Torah Portion Shemot
His memorial Name is given to Moses and is always connected with the God who brought you up from the land of Egypt.

Hanne Moon
3 min read
A Fortified Wall
These past few months, I have had a heaviness of heart for our country.
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