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Leisa Baysinger
10 min read
The Destiny of the Sons of Israel and the Death of Jacob/Joseph - Torah Portion Vayechi
Uncover the destinies of the tribes of Israel through the blessing of Jacob's sons. Discover the prophetic words that shaped their futures.

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
The Revealing of Joseph and Shadows of Messiah Yeshua - Torah Portion Vayigash
Torah portion Vayigash. Joseph revealed to his brothers. Discover secrets attached to the hiding of Messiah Yeshua and family reconciliation

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
Joseph and Pharaoh - Torah Portion Miketz
Genesis 41:1-44:17 Miketz means in Hebrew “at the end” from the second word in this scripture reading. We find in these readings the...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Torah Portion Vayeshev - Joseph and the coat of many colors.
Genesis 37:1—40:23 Vayeshev in Hebrew means “and he dwelt” or “lived” from the first verse of these scripture references. We find in...

Hanne Moon
8 min read
Logos, Wisdom, and Memra: The Depths of the Infinite
If I had been on the Councils of Hippo and Carthage when the books of the Renewed Covenant were canonized, I would have started the canon

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
Torah Portion Vayishlach - Jacob wrestles with Elohim
Jacob struggles and receives a new name

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Jacob's Ladder - Have we missed something in this story?
In Genesis chapter 28 we read of the event where Jacob is sent to Haran by his father, Isaac, to find a bride from among his relatives....

Leisa Baysinger
6 min read
Sin, Transgression, and Iniquity: Is There A Difference?
I have often wondered about the difference between these three words. My brain pondered the idea that surely if I had sinned then I had...

Leisa Baysinger
7 min read
God With Us - The Immanuel Prophecies
Was the son of Ahaz the fulfillment of the Immanuel prophecies given by Isaiah the prophet? No mere human could attain to Isaiah 9:6.

Leisa Baysinger
10 min read
Was Noah Allowed to eat all flesh after the flood?
In the beginning we read in Genesis that Elohim allowed Adam and Eve and the first humans to eat only from the herbs (green plants...

Leisa Baysinger
10 min read
The Mark of the Beast versus The Mark of God - A Hebraic Approach
Hebraic approach to the Mark of the Beast

Leisa Baysinger
5 min read
What Did Jesus (Yeshua) do for those three days and nights that He was in the grave? I Peter 3:19
Here is the verse that people love to quote: For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
The Last Supper - Was it a Passover Meal or Something Else?
Every year I see people discussing the last supper and calling it a Passover meal. Did Yeshua partake of the Mo'ed (Appointed time)...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed Pesach - Sabbath during Passover Week- Prophetic Readings
Today is 4/11/2020 and it is the Sabbath which falls during the week of Passover. Only the feast of Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles has...

Leisa Baysinger
3 min read
What Is The Most Repeated Command In Torah?
Uncover the most repeated command in the Torah. Discover its significance and impact on our understanding of Torah and Yeshua's teachings.

Hanne Moon
3 min read
Is G-d Darkness as well as Light?
I was listening to a song the other day by the American Jewish singer Benny Friedman. The song is “Todah,” which means thanks in Hebrew....

Hanne Moon
3 min read
Bearing One Another's Burdens
I’m not one to share with others the things that are going on in my life. In fact, I’m a very, very private person. For instance, I was...

Leisa Baysinger
4 min read
Defeating the Sun God of Egypt
Most Christians have probably been taught, at some point, that when YHWH brought about His execution of the 10 plagues on Egypt that...

Leisa Baysinger
2 min read
Sarai - A Mighty Prophetess - And Another Exodus
Did Sarah and Abraham’s first visit to Egypt foreshadow the future plagues and Exodus out of Egypt? Was Sarai a might prophetess?

Hanne Moon
3 min read
How Far is the East from the West?
In keeping with Leisa’s posts about Yeshua in the Tabernacle, I wanted to discuss the concept of how far the east from the west is. This...
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