The Destiny of the Sons of Israel and the Death of Jacob/Joseph - Torah Portion Vayechi

The Revealing of Joseph - Torah Portion Vayigash

Joseph and Pharaoh - Torah Portion Miketz

Torah Portion Vayeshev - Joseph and the coat of many colors.

Logos, Wisdom, and Memra: The Depths of the Infinite

Torah Portion Vayishlach - Jacob wrestles with Elohim

Jacob's Ladder - Have we missed something in this story?

Sin, Transgression, and Iniquity: Is There A Difference?

God With Us - The Immanuel Prophecies

Was Noah Allowed to eat all flesh after the flood?

The Mark of the Beast versus The Mark of God - A Hebraic Approach

What Did Jesus (Yeshua) do for those three days and nights that He was in the grave? I Peter 3:19

The Last Supper - Was it a Passover Meal or Something Else?

Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed Pesach - Sabbath during Passover Week- Prophetic Readings

What Is The Most Repeated Command In Torah?

Is G-d Darkness as well as Light?

Bearing One Another's Burdens

Defeating the Sun God of Egypt

Sarai - A Mighty Prophetess - And Another Exodus

How Far is the East from the West?