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Is Pesach Important to the Grafted-In of Israel?
While Passover is a uniquely Jewish festival, it also points to the story of redemption we find in Yeshua.
The Season of Our Redemption
The Month of Redemption- Nisan. A Season for rejoicing because God provided for Himself a Lamb.
The Cloud of Glory and the Prophetic Coming of The Son of Man/Ananei ha-Kavod and the Anani
The Cloud of Glory (Shekinah) and Daniel’s prophetic Son of Man. How a genealogical record in Chronicles points to Messiah’s coming.
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash There are passages of the Bible that I have read repeatedly until I can practically quote them in my...
A Real Resurrection or Something Else?
What about those saints who arose when Yeshua arose - as recorded only by Matthew?
The Threshold Covenant - Passover
Understanding the link between Passover and the ancient Threshold Covenant. An invitation to the god of the home and a wedding tradition.
Are We Still Yearning for Egypt?
As we come into Passover, we can hear the voice of G-d, calling us out of Egypt...
A Light to the Nations - Sukkot Message
Instead of doing an article on the traditional and oft repeated teachings pertinent to the Feast of Sukkot, I decided to do some research...
The Shining Face of Moses
His Return In Glory
The Sabbath of Return
The Season of Return
The Ten Days of Awe
The 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are known as the "Ten Days of Awe" or "Ten Days of Repentance". According to Jewish...
The Four Cups of Passover
The Seven promises and the four cups of the Passover Seder.
Behold the Lamb of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World
What Lamb was John the Baptist referring too when he said of Yeshua, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?
Pesach- Have You Had Enough of Egypt Yet? Is the Hard Bondage Intensifying?
Are you tired of living in Egypt yet?
A Plague of Darkness
In Exodus 10:21-29 we read about the plague of darkness. In scripture darkness represents wickedness, evil, or spiritual darkness....
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