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The Highly Exalted One - Digging Deeper Into the Book of Hebrews
Uncover the hidden depths of the Book of Hebrews and the exalted Messiah, drawing parallels with Rabbinic writings

Shadows of Messiah: The Abrahamic Covenant
Uncover the Prophetic Shadows of Messiah in the Abrahamic Covenant. Discover the timeless/enduring promises revealing His depth of love

The Prophetic Connection Between John the Baptist, Jesus, and Messiah The Breaker (Poretz)
Uncover the prophetic link between John the Baptist, Yeshua, and the Messianic Title; Messiah the Breaker; Explore the connection.

What Did Jesus Nail To The Cross? Colossians 2:14
Apostle Paul: Colossians 2:14 - Torah Abolished or Misconstrued? Have you ever been Misrepresented? Apostle Paul has!

New Testament or Renewed Covenant?
Discover the truth behind the New Testament or Renewed Covenant debate. Dive into prophecy and the authors of the Bible.

The Cloud of Glory and the Prophetic Coming of The Son of Man/Ananei ha-Kavod and the Anani
The Cloud of Glory (Shekinah) and Daniel’s prophetic Son of Man. How a genealogical record in Chronicles points to Messiah’s coming.

A Real Resurrection or Something Else?
What about those saints who arose when Yeshua arose - as recorded only by Matthew?

The Coming Rain and The Voice of the Shepherd
The early and later rains and listening for the voice of the shepherd

The Rock of Israel - Yeshua
Jesus is the rock of our salvation. A sure and firm foundation stone. All of these metaphors go back to the vision of Jacob and his Rock.

The Firstfruits Bride - Insights From the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is a beautiful love story but deeper meanings lie beneath the surface. Hers is the story of a first fruits bride.

People and Giants and Walls, Oh My!
Last week’s Torah portion, Sh’lach Lecha, gives us the story, about two years after the events of the Exodus, when the people of Israel...

Faith Comes by Hearing
Seeing is not believing. Being able to listen to God is what counts.

Noah, Shem, Abraham, and the Tower of Babel - A Lesson for History Lovers
Noah, Abraham, Shem, and the Tower of Babel: how are they all related?

Why Did God Choose Abraham?
Abraham is the father of the three greatest religions. Did God have a good reason for choosing Abraham to be the father of nations?

Manna - A Lesson In Trust
In Exodus 16:1-36 we read about the miraculous giving of the bread from heaven. The event takes place on the 15th day of the second month...

The Cost of Discipleship
Matthew 10:1-20 The Cost of Discipleship

Two Ancient Pools - Two Miraculous Healings - Yet Major Differences
Understanding the Pool of Siloam and the Pool of Bethesda

Is It Wrong For A Man To Have Long Hair?
Is it a sin for men to have long hair? Is long hair a woman’s glory?

The Exile/Exodus and the Revealing of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua
In this study I will be examining a lot of material. It will be quite long. It is my prayer that each insight addressed in this article...

Logos, Wisdom, and Memra: The Depths of the Infinite
If I had been on the Councils of Hippo and Carthage when the books of the Renewed Covenant were canonized, I would have started the canon

Jacob's Ladder - Have we missed something in this story?
In Genesis chapter 28 we read of the event where Jacob is sent to Haran by his father, Isaac, to find a bride from among his relatives....

Sin, Transgression, and Iniquity: Is There A Difference?
I have often wondered about the difference between these three words. My brain pondered the idea that surely if I had sinned then I had...

God With Us - The Immanuel Prophecies
Was the son of Ahaz the fulfillment of the Immanuel prophecies given by Isaiah the prophet? No mere human could attain to Isaiah 9:6.

Was Noah Allowed to eat all flesh after the flood?
In the beginning we read in Genesis that Elohim allowed Adam and Eve and the first humans to eat only from the herbs (green plants...

The Mark of the Beast versus The Mark of God - A Hebraic Approach
Hebraic approach to the Mark of the Beast

Sarai - A Mighty Prophetess - And Another Exodus
Did Sarah and Abraham’s first visit to Egypt foreshadow the future plagues and Exodus out of Egypt? Was Sarai a might prophetess?

Abraham saw my day and rejoiced to see it - Back to the Future
Delve into the prophetic words of God and discover the deep meaning behind 'Abraham saw my day'; 430 years; Covenant with Abraham

A God That Speaks
The ancient cultures considered the Jews to be a superstitious people group (among other things) because they served a God that could not...

Let Us Make Man In Our Image
Genesis 1:26-27 “…let Us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion…” I would like for you to consider the...

Turning the Other Cheek
In Matthew 5:38-39, Yeshua says, "You have heard that it was said, 'eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist...

The Way, The Truth, The Life
Yeshua (Jesus) stated that He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6), but what exactly does this mean? The Older and Newer...

A Prophet Like Moses
In Deuteronomy 18:15 God tells Moses that He will raise up a Prophet like him to lead, rule and reign over the people. The Hebrew people...

The Apostle Paul's "One New Man"
In Ephesians Chapter 2:15 the Apostle Sha'ul (Paul) speaks to us about “the one new man” in Messiah. He declares that Yeshua will take...

What Does God Require of Gentiles? Is Torah only for the Jews? Acts Chapter 15
Many people argue that the Torah, or the Old Testament, is for the Jews and the Gentiles do not have to abide by these Jewish teachings...

We Will Never Be Immortal
John 17:2 "As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him" John 6:40 ...

That Which is Written or That Which is Spoken
In Hebraic understanding the written Word of God, or the Bible, is called Mikra, meaning that which is read. In order for something to be...

"Depart From Me I Never Knew You..."
Matthew 7:21-23 - “ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of...

The Individual Choice: Blessing or Cursing/Life or Death
Deuteronomy 29:10 – 31:30 Notice what is happening here in the opening verses of this portion of scripture: “Today you are standing, all...

The Mount of Transfiguration
Something wonderful happened at the Mount of Transfiguration. Yeshua’s inner circle saw into the future.

James 2:1-13 What Is The Royal Law?
What is the royal law? Is there a difference between the Ten Commandments, the royal law, and the other commands of Torah?

A Single...or an Evil Eye
In the book of Matthew, Yeshua speaks about a "single" and an "evil" eye. In our Western culture this terminology can be difficult to...

"Jot or a Tittle"
Understanding the meaning of the jot or tittle

The Story of Queen Esther and Purim - Have We Missed Something Here?
Queen Esther- She had the courage to risk her life by going before the king to ask for the salvation of her people

Edot, Mishpatim and Chukim/ 3 Divisions of Torah
According to Jewish law there are three divisions of the Torah. I will deal with each one of these separately but first a little...

Creation and the Tree of Life/Guardians of The Way
In the book of Genesis we are given the details of creation in a limited edition, but we are told even less about man's real purpose. We...

The Middle Wall of Separation - The Enmity Contained in Ordinances Ephesians 2:14-15
What did the Apostle Paul mean by his reference to the middle wall of separation in Ephesians 2:14-15?

The Manifestation of His Presence
My Sukkot/Shemini Atzeret Message When we consider the festivals of Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret and how it affects our lives today in the...

Genesis Chapter 3 - The Promise of Hope- The fall of Adam and Eve and The Consequences
In Genesis Chapter 3:11-19 we read the dialogue that took place between YHVH, Adam, Eve, and the serpent (satan) after The Fall. The...

The Green Tree
Luke 23:26-31 “As they led Jesus away, they grabbed Simon, a man from Cyrene, as he was coming in from the country, and they put the...

Profane Worship
We find in Leviticus 10:1-3 that the two sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, were killed by fire from Yahweh. "And Nadab and Abihu, the sons...
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