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The Hebrew Alphabet
The Hebrew language is derived from 22 letters. The 22 letters also represent the numbering system, as each letter also represents a...

In the New Testament there are two words which are translated in our English Bibles as Hell. Much confusion has been caused by this...

The word hosanna is found 6 times in the New Testament: three times in Matthew (21:9, 15), twice in Mark (11:9,10), and once in John...

Baptism - a NewTestament concept only or more ancient? What was its purpose and meaning? Is there a relationship with discipleship?

This word is spoken all over the world, in every language, by Christians and Jews alike. The word is of Hebrew origin. It is the...

Hope - Like A Rope
Have you ever considered the meaning behind the Hebrew word for hope? Grab a rope and hold on!

Edot, Mishpatim and Chukim/ 3 Divisions of Torah
According to Jewish law there are three divisions of the Torah. I will deal with each one of these separately but first a little...

What is the origin of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah? Did Jesus (Yeshua) celebrate it?

Tzitzit (Tassels)
Yesterday we discussed the mixing of wool and linen and the reasoning behind the commandment. We talked about how a mixture of wool and...

Lashon Hara - Evil Speaking
First let's lay a little ground work. Please read: Leviticus Chapters 13 and 14. In most English versions of the Bible the Hebrew word,...

Today I would like to take a look at the word Amen. This word is spoken in every language and it is of Hebrew origin. It is more...

The Amidah
Great minds think alike! The Jewish people have long realized the power of unity. One area where they are great at this is in the unity...

Phylacteries and Hems - First Century Garments
The Gospels attest to the fact that Yeshua wore tassels on the hem of His garment. Matthew 9:20 - “And, behold, a woman, which was...

Whenever we read the word "peace" in the Bible we should render it as the Hebrew word "shalom". In Hebrew the word "shalom" can mean...

In Hebrew heaven is shamayim. The word is always plural. The Scriptures seem to indicate that there are three heavens by which may be...

The Hebrew Word "Light" and A Messianic Title
Explore the Hebrew word "light" and its significance as a Messianic Title. Unveil the profound links between the Messiah and eternal light

The word “abba” occurs 3 times in the New Testament and is of Semitic (Hebrew) origin. How does it differ from the word father?

Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a...

Corban - Mark 7:11
This word is found only one time in the New Testament (Brit Hadashah) and that is in Mark 7:11. However, it is found more than 80 times...

The word church is never found in the Bible until the New Testament (Newer Covenant). The English translators chose to use this word...

The word raca is used only once in the New Testament – Matthew 5:22. The word is of Aramaic origin. Aramaic is a Semitic language as is...

The Shema
Understanding the commandment to “love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind”

Much confusion has occurred over these words. Christians claim that Rabbi means teacher and Jews know that the word for teacher in Hebrew...

The Creator’s Calendar
God's calendar works differently than ours. There are roughly 360 days in His year and the months do not have names. They are simply...

Understanding Basic Terms
Below is listed some current Hebrew words and their meanings. Most of these words are used often in my articles and it is my desire for...
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