In English we say Day of Trumpets
It is an Appointed Time (Mo’ed) of Adonai, a memorial of the blowing of trumpets (two silver trumpets). Yom Teruah is celebrated in the fall.
For Jews it is known as the beginning of their civil year: Rosh Hashanah- meaning head (Rosh) of the (Ha) year (Shanah). Their Biblical/agricultural calendar begins in the spring in the first month (our March/April) as outlined by HaShem in His Torah.
If you wanted to greet a Jewish person at this time of the year, you would say L’Shannah Tovah (Have a good year), it is equivalent to our Happy New Year.
Hebrew names and phrases associated with this appointed time are:
Day of Shouting, Day of the Great Awakening Blast, Day of Repentance, Day of the crowning of Kings, Day of the remembrance of blowing of trumpets, The Day and the hour that no man knows, the hidden day, the day of the last trumpet, and the day of the birth pangs of the Messiah. Historically it is believed to have been the day that Adonai created Adam and Eve, and Noah's birthday.
The historical belief is that the gates of heaven were opened on the Day of Trumpets for repentance. The “Day of YHVH”, or as we would say in English translations “the Day of the Lord”, is said to begin on this day and go through Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
Please read Leviticus 23:1-44
Yom Teruah is the first day of the seventh month, the beginning of the 3 set apart days/times of the fall and the future fulfillment shadow pictures of the coming of Messiah Yeshua. Just as Yeshua fulfilled (this word does not mean to abolish, it simply means to bring to a higher level of understanding) the spring Appointed Times (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Pentecost), He will fulfill the fall Appointed Times at His second coming:
Day of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles, and Shemini Atzeret (The Eighth Day). Likewise, the weekly Sabbath is also a shadow picture (moed-apponted time), rehearsal of our Creator God and His plan of the ages. This is what these 8 set apart times are indicative of, God’s plan of redemption and restoration of all things that were lost “in the beginning”.
Just for your info: The 7 Appointed Times of HaShem, 8 with the weekly Sabbath, contain 8 Holy Days set aside as Sabbaths, they are: the first day of Unleavened Bread, the seventh day of Unleavened Bread, Shavuot (Pentecost), Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, first day of Tabernacles, the eighth day (Shemini Atzeret), some call it the eighth day of Tabernacles, and the weekly Sabbath.
Here is what scripture states about these Holy times of YHVH in Exodus 31:12-13 and in Leviticus.
1. These moed contain Sabbaths, High Holy Days (kodesh- meaning set apart)
2. They are “convocations” in Hebrew "miqra" which means, “rehearsal”. It is a holy rehearsal.
3. The word feasts in English is actually “mo’ed” and means an appointed time of Yahweh.
4. The word “proclaim” in verse 4, means to pronounce, in other words announce, set in order, make known, declare.
5. Notice that these are HaShem’s Holy Convocations (rehearsals), not the Jews Holy Convocations.
6. Notice that in Lev. 23:3 that the weekly Sabbath (Shabbat) is also called a Holy Convocation (rehearsal) and a Holy Moed (appointed time).
7. In Leviticus 23:4, the word “seasons” is also moed (appointed times). In Genesis 1:14 we see this word mo’ed used for the first time. The sun, moon and stars were made to divide night and day, for days and years and also for signs and seasons. The word seasons is mo’ed. They are for appointed times, for without them we would not be able to discern God’s appointed times. They announce his appointed times. Read Genesis 17:21 for another time the word moed is used.
Leviticus 23:24-25/Numbers 29:1
“a memorial of blowing of trumpets”- the Jews do not historically understand why they were to celebrate this set apart day. They disagree on what they were supposed to recall to mind at the sounding of the trumpets. A memorial in Hebrew means “to mark, to remember, a memento, a record.” Unlike Greeks, Hebrews don’t believe they have to understand why, they just do it because God said to.
Historical understanding and phrases listed at the top of the page
1. Teruah means “awakening Blast”, “shout” and that is exactly what the Hebrews have done without understanding all of the reasons why. Historically it has been understood that on Yom Teruah, at the sound of the awakening blast of the shofar, the righteous dead will resurrect to eternal life.
2. Known as the “day of the last trumpet”. The trumpet was blown for 30 days, beginning in the month of Elul, prior to Yom Teruah. Each morning the trumpet sounded announcing the coming of Yom Teruah. The last trumpet was blown on Yom Teruah to warn of the coming judgment of the LORD at Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur was on the tenth of the month and the days in between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are known as the “days of awe”. It was during the days of awe that it was believed that God decided who were to have their sins forgiven and who was not to have their sins forgiven on Yom Kippur (day of atonement). The days of awe were days of fasting and praying for repentance to Adonai so that your sins might be forgiven. The period of 40 days before Yom Kippur was known as the days of teshuva (days of repentance). The trumpet blasts on Yom Teruah was culminated with the climax of the celebration, Teki’ah Gedolah – The Great Blowing. The 10 days of awe meant days of Jacob’s trouble before the Messiah came.
3. Read Jeremiah 30:6-7. Also, this time period was known as the time of the birth pangs of Messiah-we call it the tribulation., a great Jewish website, states about Yom Teruah, "it is the birth pangs of the Messiah, during which Israel will be refined spiritually in preparation of His arrival." See Matthew 24:8-10 where the Greek word used signifies a woman in travail of birth, or her birth pangs.
Historically understood there are 3 trumpets of God: first trumpet, last trumpet, and the great trumpet. In the story of Abraham and Isaac when the ram was caught in the bush, Jewish history says that the left horn of the ram (first trump) was blown on Mt. Sinai by God and the right horn of the ram (last trumpet) was blown on Yom Teruah. Paul refers to the last trumpet in I Cor. 15:52 and John refers to a last trumpet in Rev. 11:15-19. The term rapture comes from the Greek word “harpazo” which means “to seize, catch away, catch up, pluck up, pull, take by force.” The great trumpet was blown on Yom Kippur.
4. Known as “the day and the hour that no man knows" (Read Matthew 24:32-36), this was because they knew the season and time but didn’t know if it would be the 29th or the 30th day. It had to be called when they saw the new, crescent, moon in the sky. They were watching for it and it had to be called by at least 2 witnesses. Everyone assembled when they heard the trumpet blow. It was the Rosh Chodesh (new moon) and a high holy day of the LORD. However, for this moed they did not have to go up to Jerusalem. It was more of a solemn day instead of a feasting and celebration day because of the repentance that was suppose to go on in each life. Traditionally it was celebrated for two days, even today, because word had to spread throughout the land that the new moon had been sighted.
5. “The hidden day” – Yeshua says Himself to “pray that you may be able to escape the things to come”. The trumpets in Revelation IS NOT the wrath of God, the bowls are. We will be here for the trumpets, until the last trumpet, but we will not have the bowls (wrath) poured upon us; the faithful children who are ready to meet Him in the air. Additional scriptures for your consideration: Is. 26:2,20 Is. Ps. 27:5, Zepaniah 1:14,16; 2:3;
I Thess. 4:16-17, Rev. 3:8-10.
In Zechariah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah we find that the feast (moed-appointed times of Adonai) will be observed when Yeshua returns and sits on His throne in Jerusalem. See Zechariah 14:16-17 and Ezekiel 45:21,25; 46:1 and 11; Isaiah 66:22-23. His appointed moeds are forever.
This teaching is really just a preview. There are many levels to understanding Adonai’s Appointed Times and their fulfillment in Yeshua.
Leisa Baysinger

Thank you Leisa for studying for me 😍 shared this with my Filipino online Messianic Meeting Elohim bless you more 🙏