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The Hebrew Alphabet

Writer: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

The Hebrew language is derived from 22 letters. The 22 letters also represent the numbering system, as each letter also represents a number. Going back to the earliest form of the language, which was called Paleo-Hebrew, each letter also represents a picture with its associated word concept. It is quite an exciting language and, I believe as do many others, the original language of the human race before the tower of Babel.

Below I have listed the letter, number representation, and the picture/word association. Enjoy!

Number 1: Aleph - an ox, bull = strength, leader and primacy

Number 2: Bet - a house = household, family

Number 3: Gimel - a camel, foot = pride

Number 4: Dalet - a door = pathway, opening, entry

Number 5: Hey - a window = behold, "The", to reveal, inspiration, what comes from

Number 6: Vav - a nail, hook or peg = "And", to fasten, join together, secure, add

Number 7: Zayin - a plow, weapon = cut, to cut off

Number 8: Chet - a wall, fence = separation

Number 9: Tet - basket, snake = winding, surround

Number 10: Yod - arm and hand = deed, work, to make

Number 20: Kaf - Palm of hand = to open, allow, cover or give

Number 30: Lamed - a staff, goad = authority, control, "To/From"

Number 40: Mem - water = chaos

Number 50: Nun - a seed, fish = life, activity

Number 60: Samech - hand on staff, prop = support

Number 70: Ayin - an eye = to know, see, manifest, make visible

Number 80: Pey - mouth = word, speak

Number 90: Tsade - a hook = desire, need, catch

Number 100: Qof - sun on horizon, needle eye, back of the head = behind, last, least

Number 200: Resh - head = person, skull

Number 300: Shin - teeth = consume, destroy, eat

Number 400: Tav - mark, sign = covenant, seal

Below is a chart depicting the modern Hebrew Aleph-Bet. It is known as Aramaic Script. Five of the letters have an additional final form. (The Kaf, Mem, Nun, Peh, and Tsade). If you click on the picture you will find a link to the Jewish Virtual Library, where the picture came from. There you will find additional information about the letters of the Aleph-Bet.

In addition, valuable information can be found at the following link, along with pictures of the Paleo-Hebrew letters.

The Modern Aleph Bet

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