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A Prophet Like Moses

Writer: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

Updated: Jul 7, 2024

In Deuteronomy 18:15 God tells Moses that He will raise up a Prophet like him to lead, rule and reign over the people. The Hebrew people have waited for this Prophet to come. It is recorded in the New Testament (Brit Hadashah) that the leaders ask John the Baptist if he is “the Prophet”. John assures them that he is not “that Prophet”. John goes on to tell them about the one that is coming after him.

This prophet like Moses was known to be the Messiah that would redeem Israel in the later days. In the New Testament it is recorded over and over that Yeshua of Nazareth is this Prophet like Moses. One such testimony is found in John 1:45, “Philip finds Nathanael, and says unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." In the book of Acts we find both Peter and Stephen referring to Yeshua as "The Prophet".

Did Yeshua fit the description of a “Prophet Like Moses”? I have listed some similarities between Moses and Yeshua below. The similarities are remarkable and this most certainly is not all of them. You may find some more to add to the list.

Their Births Predicted

Moses - Rashi (A well beloved Jewish Rabbi and commentator of the 1100’s) states in his commentary on Exodus that the Egyptian astrologers predicted that a savior of the Hebrew people was about to be born. In fact, Rashi states that Pharaoh was informed on the day of his birth. It was because of this information that the Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River. Rashi does not state where he got this information but according to other Jewish websites that I have visited the Mishna apparently records this information. According to these sources, the Mishna records that the Egyptian astrologers told Pharaoh that “the Mother of Israel’s savior is already pregnant with him.” I have not yet been able to find this information in the Mishna but I will keep looking.

Yeshua – In Luke Chapter 1 we read of the angelic visitation to Miriam, predicting the birth of Yeshua.

Both Babies Had Their Lives Threatened by An Evil King

Moses – When wicked Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew baby boys thrown into the Nile River.

Yeshua – The wicked King Herod the Great who had all Jewish boys aged 2 and under killed, because of jealousy, when he heard the word of the wise men.

Both Babies Were Hidden for Safety

Moses – was hidden by his Mother for the first three months of his life and then she hid him in the basket and set him in the Nile River to escape the wrath of Pharaoh.

Yeshua – Warned by an angel, Joseph took his small family and fled to Egypt to escape the wrath of deadly King Herod. While we do not know exactly how long they stayed in Egypt, it could have been as long as 2 years.

Both Were Born During a Time of National Bondage

Moses – The Children of Israel had been in bondage in Egypt for over 400 years. They were crying out for a Deliverer.

Yeshua – He was born during the time when the Nation of Israel was currently under heavy bondage from the Roman Empire. The people were weary and crying out for their Messiah to come. During the first century there was a high expectation of the soon coming of Messiah

Both Spent Time in Egypt

This has already been mentioned above but the Old and New Testaments record the following:

Hosea 11:1 – “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.”

Matthew 2:15 “ Where He stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the LORD had said through the prophet, ‘Out of Egypt I called by son.”

We see here that Yeshua (Messiah) had to follow in the footsteps of Israel. As Israel was called out of Egypt to go to the Promised Land, so Yeshua sojourned as a child and was called out of Egypt by His Father in Heaven and told to go to the land of Israel (The Promised Land).

Matthew 2:19-20 “But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the LORD appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the young child’s life.”

Both Set Aside A Privileged Position of Honor

Moses – was a Prince of Egypt but gave it up to save his Hebrew People

Yeshua – left the Glory of Heaven to come to earth in the flesh to save His People from Satan

Both Were Initially Rejected By Those They Came to Save

Moses – When he arose and killed an Egyptian who had slain an Israelite, they asked “who has made you ruler over us?” Also, they rejected his leadership many times in the wilderness and once he exclaimed in Exodus 17:4 ,” what shall I do unto this people? They are almost ready to stone me.”

Yeshua – In John 1:10-11, Scripture records that Yeshua came to His own Jewish people but they, as a nation, would not receive Him.

Both Arose From Among Their Brethren

Deuteronomy 18:15 “The LORD the God will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of you, of your brethren….”

Both of them were from Jacob (Israel).

Moses – He was from the tribe of Levi

Yeshua – He was from the tribe of Judah

Both Were Shepherds

Moses – He spent 40 years in the wilderness learning the ways of a good shepherd while tending to the flocks of his father-in-law, Jethro.

Yeshua – John 10:10-15 He is the Good Shepherd. All throughout the TaNaKh (Old Testament) God speaks of sending a Messiah to Shepherd His people

To be a good shepherd one must be willing to lay down their life for their sheep. Hence,

Both Were Willing to Give Their Life for Their Sheep/To Take Their Punishment

Both Stood in the Gap For Their Sheep

Both were willing to be sin-bearers for their people

Moses – In Exodus 32:31-32 we read how Moses offered his life to God for the sins of Israel.

Yeshua – Died on a cross as the innocent party, for the sins of His sheep.

Both Were Given God's Approval By A Voice From Heaven

Moses – In Exodus 19 God descends Mt. Sinai to speak to Moses in the sight of all of the Israelites.

Yeshua – When He was baptized by John and also on the Mt. of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:5, Matthew 3:17) God's voice was heard from Heaven

Both Were Criticized by Their Own Families

Moses – was criticized by Aaron and Miriam in Numbers 12:1

Yeshua – In the beginning His own family didn't believe in Him and criticized him (John 7:1-5, Mark 3:20-21)

Both Fasted 40 Days and Nights In the Wilderness

Moses – at Mt. Sinai when he was receiving the “Words” from the LORD (Exodus 34:28)

Yeshua – in the Judean Dessert before He began His ministry (Luke 4:1-2)

Both Did Miracles to Testify of God's Authority Upon Them

Moses – He did many miracles in the wilderness and during the Exodus

Yeshua – He also performed many miracles as recorded in the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) but one miracle that He performed has always been attributed by the Rabbi's as being one that would only be performed by the Messiah of Israel and that is the giving of sight to a man born blind. Rabbi's have always said that only the Messiah could give sight to a man born blind.

Both Instituted Covenants

Moses- at Mt. Sinai

Yeshua – He established the Renewed Covenant

Both instituted a marriage covenant. Moses, along with the children of Israel, entered into a marriage covenant with God at Mt. Sinai and Yeshua entered into a betrothal covenant with His Bride whom He will soon return to claim.

Both Act As Mediator

Moses – at the foot of Mt. Sinai the people asked for a Mediator. Moses became that Mediator.

Yeshua – He became our High Priest and makes intercession for us before the Father

They both acted for the people as Prophet, Priest, and King. Moses was a prophet, he was also a priest, and he was “a prince of Egypt” that came to them. Yeshua is a Prophet, our High Priest and He is coming back as the King of the world.

Both Were/Are Deliverers

Moses – Delivered them from Egypt

Yeshua – Delivered us from the bondage of sin and death

On the Mt.of Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah speak to Yeshua about His soon “departure” or Exodus from the world. This Exodus of Yeshua would “deliver” the world from its bondage to sin and death. Even the earth itself will be freed from the bondage of thorns and thistles at the return of Messiah.

Both Saved the People From Death

Moses – the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts saved the firstborn of Israel

Yeshua – The blood of Yeshua (the Passover Lamb) gives eternal life to all who believe.

Both Supplied Bread and Water For the People

Moses – provided Manna from heaven and water from The Rock

Yeshua – was the manna from Heaven and the “living waters”, but Yeshua also performed miracles to feed bread to multitudes of people on two different occasions

Both Built and Established A “Dwelling Place” for God

Moses – followed the directions of God for the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness

Yeshua – His followers are “living stones” in the Spiritual Temple that He is building. We find in the New Heaven and earth that there will be no physical Temple because YHWH will be dwelling with and in His people.

Both Provided Healing by a Lifting Up

Moses – He lifted up the serpent on a pole to bring healing in the wilderness

Yeshua – He brought healing when He was lifted up on the cross

Both Were Accepted by the Gentiles

Moses – initially rejected by his own, he took a Midianite wife and became a Shepherd for his father-in-law, Jethro

Yeshua – In fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, all the peoples of the earth can now come to God because of Yeshua. Many Non-Jews came to Yeshua during His earthly ministry because of their faith.

Both Had to Die Before Complete Redemption Would Come

This one may seem odd but think about it:

Moses – He was not permitted to enter the promised land. The children of Israel could not realize the completion of their redemption and conquering of the Promised Land until Moses had died.

Yeshua – He had to die on the cross in order for His children to inherit eternal life, The Kingdom of Heaven, and the New Heaven and the New Earth.

There are many, many more that could be added here, but this should be enough to show the many similarities between Moses the Prophet and Yeshua the Prophet.

Yeshua is the Prophet like Moses, the one we were commanded to “hear” and obey, the Messiah of Israel!



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