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He Will Be With You

Writer: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

When I look at the circumstances that pervade my life I oftentimes find myself overwhelmed, discouraged, oppressed, or even depressed at times. I know that I am not alone in this regard because we are all human and we all face the same trials, tribulations, and emotions of life. It is during these times that I sometimes moan, whine, grumble, and/or complain, and I have to repent and find my way back to the Father; through Yeshua (Jesus). Life can throw us many blows.

I have come to realize that, as humans, we desire to have constant reminders from our heavenly Father about His abiding love and care for us. Just as, if you came from a good home, you desired to hear your Mom and Dad tell you that they loved you and show you affection over and over. Even in a good marriage where you know that your spouse loves you and you alone, you still desire to be held and to hear 'I love you'. As humans we all need emotional support and the human touch or affection.

Hearing these words from the Father comes in different ways for each of us. Sometimes it may be through prayer, from His Word, confirmation from someone else, an audible voice or, as I like to call it, an ESP type of communication where I know that I know that I know, that I heard from God. Either way, when this happens it is like a river of raging water just washes over me and cleanses me from all doubt and worry.

There has been much to fret about in this world over the last year and a half; sickness, disease, loss of job, loss of work hours, difficult working situations. loss of emotional support due to lock downs and quarantine, loneliness, deception through lies on every level, and death. I must admit it has all been overwhelming at times. At times I have not known who to trust.

I have had to ask for forgiveness because of doubt and worry and I have sought answers and confirmation from my heavenly Father on many occasions. Sometimes, He has been silent. Those are the most difficult times.

These last couple of weeks have been some of those times for me. As I read the Torah Portion, Vayelech, this week it spoke those encouraging words to me that I needed. I would like to share them with you.

In Deuteronomy 31:1-30 Moses begins his farewell words to the assembly of Israelites. He is told that he will soon die and not be allowed to cross over into the Promised land. OK STOP! First point -

Can you imagine how Moses must have felt? There are no words to describe what he and they must have been feeling. Moses had asked God to change his mind about this “death and not entering thing” on numerous occasions only to be finally told, “Enough of that! Speak no more to me of this matter” (Deuteronomy 3:26). Has God ever spoken that to you, or words similar to that? He has to me! They were difficult words and not at all what I expected to hear. After months of prayer and fasting for a matter of His intervention, he spoke to me - “don't ask me again”. Wow! As it ended up – I did not receive what I had interceded for. However, He had spoken! As heart wrenching as those words were and as heart wrenching as the outcome of my situation was – I knew that He was in control and that was enough! He had not left me alone! He had heard my plea but it was not His will – nor did it ever become His will! His decision was final. Point being – I was not alone, He was with me to see me through that difficult time. That was enough! He saw Moses through that time as well. He never left him although He did not answer His prayer in the way that he wanted.

We find that the people standing before Moses would have also been very discouraged that day. Their beloved leader, Moses, was to be gone. There had never been another like him. He was like a god to them. Also, they heard that they were to inherit a land but they would have to enter into battles in order to occupy it. STOP! POINT 2!

At this moment Moses reassures them:

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For it is YHVH your Elohim who is going with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you.

These words should have been familiar to them. For, at the request of their leader Moses, YHVH had promised 40 years before that He would go before them in their journey and that He would never leave them. He was a cloud by day and fire by night. Their clothes and shoes did not wear out. He gave them water and manna and met their every need for those 40 years; including defeating their enemies.

You see, during difficult times we must recall to mind all the times that God has been there for us. The Israelites often set up stones of remembrance. Maybe we need some stones of remembrance. His promise to be with us still holds true today.

In verse 31:7 Moses calls Joshua, his heir, before him. Once again, can you imagine how Joshua felt? He had already been warned that this day was coming but here it was. He was to be in charge of a rebellious people and not only that – he was the one who would lead them into battles. I am sure, as a human, that he felt overwhelmed. But once again we find this encouraging word to Joshua:

Deuteronomy 31:8 And it is YHVH who is going before you. He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.

These encouraging words are repeated twice within 3 verses: once to the people and once to Joshua. God would be with Joshua just as He had been with Moses.

Well, He is with us, but these words were not spoken over us you may say so how can I be sure that He is with me?

In the book of Matthew we are told about how the disciples followed the resurrected Yeshua to the mountain before His ascension. In 28:20 it is recorded in the words of Yeshua:

“teaching them to guard all that I have commanded you. And see, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Amen.

Just as the Father promised to go with them to the Promised Land, Yeshua promises to go with us “to the end of this age” which will be at His coming and our entering the Promised Land.

However you may feel, providing you are repentant, He is with you. His answer may not always be yes and sometimes He may be silent. What do you do when He is silent? Do the last thing He told you to do. Remember the last words He spoke to you and be encouraged until He speaks to you again. AND HE WILL!

Continue to pray, fast and read His Word!

Shalom, Leisa


Sep 10, 2021

Yes yes too. I have faced similar feelings/thinking. The LORD pointed my issues out this morning. The short form ..... Trusting HIM I confess and repent.

Leisa Baysinger
Leisa Baysinger
Sep 10, 2021
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Things are shaking hard and gonna get harder I truly believe. We must have courage to fight the fight. If this is it and His return is soon then we were born for such a time as this. He believes in us. We must believe in ourselves. Thank you for commenting! Thank you! Be strong! You are not alone!


Sep 08, 2021

Perfect, Leisa!! I have been struggling of late myself and found a great deal of comfort in this week's Torah portion as well. I love your heart for G-d and appreciate all the work you put into these lessons! ❤️

Leisa Baysinger
Leisa Baysinger
Sep 08, 2021
Replying to

Thank you, Hanne!

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