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Piles of Stones

Writer's picture: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

I have recently been writing about the significance of memorial stones to ancient people groups. These piles of stones were stones of remembrance. Today we no longer have this custom but we usually just remember good times by looking at pictures. There is a saying that “a picture paints a thousand words” and that may be so, but cameras can't capture the spiritual stones of remembrance that I hold dear.

As I look back over my life I am reminded of times when God has come through for me in many types of situations. In many times He was there when I wasn't even aware, just doing what God does best: looking out for His child. When I am going through hard times I can pull up these “stones of remembrance” and look to His provision when I am in panic mode. Everyone has these stones of remembrances in their lives that they can and should recall to mind to be strengthened and to remind themselves that God is always near.

Today I want to share one of my remembrance stones. I do this to encourage you to recall to mind your own stones of remembrance. It is my belief that as the days get darker that we will need to call upon these stones of remembrance quite often. Maybe we should get a journal and begin recalling all of these times to mind. It is good for the soul! Here is just one of my remembrance stones.

A few years back husband and I were traveling to a nearby city. We were on a 4 lane highway and a lady came flying past us and she was looking at her cell phone. She lost control of her car and began hitting barriers between the two sides of the four lanes. When she did she lost control of her car and started swirling around in front of us. She hit a truck in front of us and it went down into a ditch. The car then kept spinning and was headed straight toward us. My husband was trying to dodge pieces of her car that was flying right at us. Finally just before her car was to hit us head on, her car suddenly stopped and we came to a sudden stop also. Parts of her car were coming off and the pieces were flying everywhere. When everything stopped and we assessed that we were both well, I immediately jumped out of my car to check on the lady who lost control and the person who went down into the ditch. All were OK.

There had been an eighteen wheeler behind us and he had stopped and was out of his truck. When I came back from checking on the two people, this man was down on his hands and knees looking under our car. He was going around to every side and looking underneath our car.

After wondering what on earth he was doing, I finally walked over and asked him. He said, “mam, I am looking for damage on your car. Even underneath your car.” He went on to say, “I was driving behind your car when it all started to happen. Parts were flying off the other car and they were all headed straight for your car. They should have all hit your car and tore it up, but I saw your car lift up off the ground and all the flying car parts just went right up under your car and came out the back, and I am just looking at your car to see if I see any damage at all. And there isn't any. Your car lifted off the ground so the parts didn't hit it, I am just trying to figure this all out”.

Needless to say we didn't feel our car lift off the ground. Angels surrounded us that day and except for the witness of this man we would never have known the full story. We had zero damage to our car.

This is a memorial stone for me. Just one of many when God has protected me and family during times of serious trouble. I could not even begin to tell of other types of miracles that He has performed. I call on these remembrance stones whenever I am in distress or need. He always comes through even when it doesn't seem like He is going to.

I encourage you to recall to mind your remembrance stones. They will uplift you and remind you that God is always near to you and hears your every cry, even when there isn't time to cry out – He is there!

We can trust Him! No matter what comes we can trust Him and place ourselves in His care.




Unknown member
Jan 27, 2023

That is an awesome glory unto our Father! He is always with me as well! I have remembrance stones. The Lord has picked me up out of the 'mirey depths of disruption in normalcy' many times in my walk with Him. I always say to Him everyday in my prayers, "be my breath, my hands, my feet, my heart, my thoughts, words and actions for I surrender all to You, O Lord. Please make me usable to bring honor and glory to Your Name. Let me be a light to others for You are all we need in all things".

A few years ago I was out riding my bicycle in my town. There is a huge tree right across…

Unknown member
Jan 27, 2023
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❣️ AMEN!! ❣️


Adelia Esperanza
Adelia Esperanza
Aug 21, 2022

Amen n Amen Baruch HaShem

Leisa Baysinger
Leisa Baysinger
Aug 26, 2022
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Aw thank you- I want to go one day

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