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The Great Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews Chapter 12

Writer: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews has long been known as the faith chapter. In it we find a long list of men and women who pleased Elohim because they believed on Him and acted out that belief in their walk on this earth. Many of the listed, some not even by name, became martyrs for the LORD. They were willing to pay the ultimate price for their faith. They are referred to as “heroes of the faith.”

We are told that without faith it is impossible to please God, and they were listed here in this chapter to show us what great faith they had. Faith is the sole basis for righteousness and moves the hand of God.

In chapter 12:1 we read:

We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,

The author of Hebrews, perhaps the Apostle Paul, lets us know that we are running a race and not all who cross the starting line complete the course. Those heroes of faith successfully completed their race on earth but they died without having received the promise for which they ran. They saw the promise of a coming Messiah in the future but they never knew what it was like to live at a time when the Messiah had come.

There are many who believe that this scripture indicates that the great cloud of witnesses are currently watching over us here on earth, along with all of our dead loved ones, cheering us on in our walk here on earth. This single passage is inconclusive for proving such a belief.

Let me suggest a better thought. This great cloud of witnesses are the ones listed in chapter 11 and they are witnessing to us of the faith and endurance that it takes to finish the race on this earth and be permitted to obtain the promises which are to come in the future. Even though dead their faith still speaks to us by all that is recorded of them in scripture (the Greek word used to translate “witnesses” comes from a root word which means “martyrs”).

It could be that the author of the book used the word clouds because the Greeks and the Latins frequently used the term to express a great number of persons or things (Clarke), or it could also be that the author used the word clouds because the Israelites were encompassed with the pillar of cloud, or with the clouds of glory, in the wilderness (Gill).

Just like the cloud in the wilderness denoted the presence, or shekinah, of the LORD, likewise these heroes of the faith were surrounded by the keeping presence of their heavenly Father (because of their faith).

When we consider clouds we must think of what clouds do. They produce a life giving rain which sustains the earth. Likewise, even though all of these witnesses are dead they still drop mighty examples of comfort, guidance, doctrine, hope, assurance, trust, steadfastness, courage, strength, perseverance, and much more!

Perhaps in your life you have loved ones or close friends who have also passed away but have left a legacy of faith for you to recall and strive to walk in their footsteps? I know that I have several loved ones that walked the walk in front of me and though they are now gone their example still speaks to me and showers down upon me through that great cloud of witnesses.

As a side note: false teachers in the book of Jude and Peter are often referred to as clouds without water and clouds carried with a tempest ( 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 1:12). Clouds without water contain no refreshing rain and clouds carried around by strong storms denote gloominess and darkness. These two categorize false teachers who run around spreading their dark teachings, yet it offers no refreshing rain because their father is a liar and the father of lies. False teachers come like these types of clouds to deceive, kill, and destroy. Unlike the heroes of chapter 11, their clouds offer no witness of good things to us.

We must have discernment from the Holy Spirit and be very careful who we listen to and whose example we follow.

Just a little thought, I hope it blessed you in some way.


4 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
18 jul 2023

Sister Leisa;

This was another wonderful teaching from the Old and New which testifies to the correctness of Yeshua as the Son of God and the things the 'cloud of witnesses' experienced in the Old and New as well.

I love reading your works because you are so good at joining the Old with the New and it helps all to understand that Yeshua is Lord and He is coming again 'in the clouds' to collect and bring us into the kingdom to worship before the Father Adonai with all the angels!

I do not believe in 'life for the dead in Yeshua' until He returns. I do not believe there are 'people' in the kingdom now. When humans d…

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Leisa Baysinger
Leisa Baysinger
18 jul 2023
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As always, thank you for commenting. I agree, the dead are not alive in heaven or hell. They are in the grave, asleep as it was called, awaiting resurrection day, either to life eternal or an eternal judgment which is the second death ( from which there will never be another resurrection for them).

Rightfullly dividing the Word of Truth is the key to all things.

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gloria sites
gloria sites
18 jul 2023

I love the explanation of "cloud of witnesses.' My mother was one of those whose faith endured to the end. It's only in my old age that I realize how much she modeled for me and what I learned.

On another note I just received from Amazon the Jewish and Christian Bible I ordered. I am so excited to start reading it and to see the different texts explained and written out using the Hebrew words. Please pray the Lord blesses my reading and gives me wisdom and understanding as I seek to honor the great salvation I received and as Jesus, Yeshua said "salvation is of the Jews" God bless your ministry.

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Leisa Baysinger
Leisa Baysinger
18 jul 2023
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Thanks for commenting. So glad you enjoyed the article and also that you have one of those witnesses from which you gained spiritual guidance.

Yes, I have said a prayer and I am sure the Bible will bless you in your walk.

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