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Torah Portion Noach - As in the Days of Noah

Writer's picture: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Genesis 6:9 – 11:32

Yah is a God of details. Minute details are often overlooked in scripture but within those minuscule details many things can be uncovered. God gives details for a reason. The story of the flood is one of those events where I think details have been overlooked. Let's take a brief look at some of those details.

In Genesis 7:11 and 8:14 we see that the flood began in the second month on the 17th day and they came off the ark one year later in the second month and the 27th day. So, they stayed on the ark one year and 17 days; counting the 7 days of being on the ark prior to the flood starting.

The first thing that we must understand is the calendar being used during the time of Noah. Not understanding the calendar can cause confusion and details can be missed. In the days of Noah, the year would have begun in our September/October. Even on the Hebrew calendar today we know that their civil year begins at this time. The ancient Babylonian calendar started at this time. Now, I know that might come as a shock to you, but consider that the shemita years as well as the jubilee years all begin at this time, not in the spring. On the Hebrew calendar this corresponds to the month of Tishri, the 7th month. The Jews call the first day of the month of Tishri - Rosh HaShanna (head of the year).

So, when did God change the calendar? Read Exodus 12:1-2. It was changed at the Passover. This is when the first month was changed from Tishri in the fall to the Aviv (ripening) of the barley in the spring, our month of March/April. Knowing this should change our understanding about some of the details given in the story of the flood.

I am including a list showing the civil year contrasted with the agricultural year. This list will need to be studied closely to keep up in the teaching. By the way, God did not give names to the months, the Hebrew names for months came up with them from Babylon.


Agricultural Civil

1st Month Nisan (Mar/Apr) Tishri Sept/Oct)

2nd Month Iyyar (Apr/May) Chesvan (Oct/Nov)

3rd Month Sivvan (May/Jun) Kislev (Nov/Dec)

4th Month Tammuz (Jun/Jul) Tevet (Dec/Jan)

5th Month Av (Jul/Aug) Sevat (Jan/Feb)

6th Month Elul (Aug/Sept) Adar (Feb/Mar)

7th Month Tishri (Sept/Oct) Nisan (Mar/Apr)

8th Month Chesvan (Oct/Nov) Iyyar (Apr/May)

9th Month Kislev (Nov/Dec) Sivvan (May/Jun)

10th Month Tevet (Dec/Jan) Tammuz (Jun/Jul)

11th Month Sevat (Jan/Feb) Av (Jul/Aug)

12th Month Adar (Feb/Mar) Elul (Aug/Sept)

(sorry, this list may appear distorted on cell phone- desk top or lap top needed)

In Genesis 7:11, the second month in this passage, according to the calendar being used at the time would be the month of Cheshvan, on the civil calendar. It would not be the 2nd month, Iyyar, on the agricultural calendar. So, the flood began in the month of Chesvan, or our months of Oct/November.

This is interesting since this is the beginning of the rainy season in Israel. The former or early rains begin at this time and last for 5 months, until the month of Nisan or the first month of the agricultural calendar. In fact, the flood began on the 17th day of Chesvan and I have been told that if the rains have not started in Israel each year by that date then they begin to have concerns and begin to really pray for rain. Without these former rains their grain crops can not grow and be ready by spring. Once I realized what calendar was being used during this time, I discovered some interesting things in the event of the flood. Let's now look at the story with this civil calendar in our hands and see if we can pinpoint any important dates of the Creator. Because this study is very lengthy I will only discuss two dates in this teaching.

We know now that the flood began in the fall of the year, but when did God remember Noah and the ark rest peacefully over the Mountains of Ararat? This happened 5 months (150 days) later. Read Genesis 8:1-4. Verse 4 states that it rested in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month.

Looking at the calendar above, the 7th month on the civil calendar would be the month of Nisan. So, on Nisan 17th, the ark rested. The waters had receded, the ark stopped floating around and everything was calm as the ark rested. The earth was new again and a rebirth had taken place. The old filth of corruption had been washed away. It is interesting that on this same day, thousands of years in the future, Yeshua arose from the dead. Talk about redemption and restoration/rebirth!!! The day that God remembered Noah is the same day that the Redeemer walked out of the grave. Among other things, I believe this date specifically is here to show us the first coming of Messiah and his redemptive (re-birth)/restorative work.

Read and consider for a moment these verses from Esther 3:7,12,13; 4:16; 5:1. The story of Esther takes place in the month of Nisan. The fast is called on the 13th day of the month, and they fast the 14-16th. This would be during Passover.

According to Wikipedia:

“It is generally accepted in the rabbinic tradition that the original three-day "Fast of Esther" mentioned in chapter 4 of Book of Esther occurred on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of Nisan, these being the eve and first two days of Passover. They fasted on Passover because Esther

reasoned it would be better to fast on one Pesach lest they all be destroyed and thus never be able to observe the holiday in the future. The 13th of Adar was a fast day for the warriors while going out to battle, as it is believed to have been customary to fast during the battle in order to gain divine favor. Because fasting during Passover would be inappropriate in almost all circumstances, the "Fast of Esther" became attached to the eve of Purim, the 13th of Adar.”

So, another redemption took place for the people here.

The website agrees that the fast of Esther was originally on 14-16th of Nisan and Haman was killed on the 17th of Nisan. The website also agrees to a Thursday crucifixion (14th Nisan) and Sunday (just after sundown Saturday) resurrection on the 17th of Nissan. It also agrees that the following events happened on the 17th of Nissan. 1) Noah’ s flood ended - Gen 8:4 (2) Israel crossed the Red Sea (3)The wave sheaf offering was made in the Mishkan and later the temple during firstfruits of barley harvest (4) Haman was hanged on gallows meant for Mordechai (5) Yeshua resurrected. The 17th of Nisan would be the Feast of Firstfruits, one of Yahweh's Set-Apart Times.

With this date we can see the first coming of Yeshua and what He had to accomplish. That being completed He sat down on the right hand in heaven.

Now, for the other date, please skip ahead to Genesis 8:13. Look at your civil calendar again. The first month, first day of the month, on the civil calendar would be Tishri 1. Hopefully, this date will be recognized by my readers. This is a High Holy Day. The Day of Trumpets,

Yom Teruah. This day is also known as the Day of the Awakening Blast, The Day and the Hour that No One Knows, The Day of the Last Trumpet. On this day, the final trumpet call was made as a call to repentance before the 10 days of Awe and the Day of Judgment, Yom Kippur.

Now, in Hebrew tradition, an according to these scriptures, they say that Noah was born on The Feast of Trumpets. We see that his age now changes from 600 to 601. This is the first mention of a change in his age.

In this scripture it is recorded that the waters had dried up from the earth, and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and the earth was dry. However, they couldn’t yet get off the ark because the ground was still muddy and mushy, perhaps? Point is that on YOM TERUAH the ground was dry. What a coincidence don’t you think? The ark rested on Aviv 17th, the day Yeshua came out of the tomb and the earth was dry on Yom Teruah. Coincidence? I don't think so!! If the first incidence corresponded to His first coming, perhaps the 2nd date corresponds to His second coming to complete His restorative works.

On Yom Teruah, the bride will go out to meet Him, and on Yom Kippur the wedding will take place. It is on Yom Kippur that His feet will actually touch the ground, but on Yom Teruah, the bride will go “up” to meet Him in the air.

Now I would like to share some historical facts about the month of Cheshvan:

It is sometimes referred to as Marchesvan, mar meaning bitter. The reason it is often called Marchesvan is because it is the only month in the Hebrew calendar that has no secular or modern holidays, fasts, no set aside times; and because it is the month that marks the start of the cool and

rainy season in Israel.

However, some Rabbi's believe that this month will lose its bitterness because they believe that it is this month that is also referred to as the month of Messiah. It is believed that in this month, the Messiah will be ruling in His kingdom and will start the re-building of the Millennial and final temple.

This is an interesting concept if you see what Noah did as soon as He came off the ark; he built an altar. This happened in the 2nd month on the 27th day of the month (Chesvan). See Genesis 8:14-20.

The coming off of the ark was a re-birth, a new beginning for all of mankind and the whole world, a type of salvation. It typified the work that would be done by the Messiah. When He returns He will bring salvation to the faithful, but wrath, fire and destruction to the wicked and the corrupt world. He will make all things new. In addition, in Hebrew the number eight represents new beginnings and today Cheshvan is the 8th month.




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