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A Fortified Wall
These past few months, I have had a heaviness of heart for our country.

What Is The Most Repeated Command In Torah?
Uncover the most repeated command in the Torah. Discover its significance and impact on our understanding of Torah and Yeshua's teachings.

Is G-d Darkness as well as Light?
I was listening to a song the other day by the American Jewish singer Benny Friedman. The song is “Todah,” which means thanks in Hebrew....

Bearing One Another's Burdens
I’m not one to share with others the things that are going on in my life. In fact, I’m a very, very private person. For instance, I was...

How Far is the East from the West?
In keeping with Leisa’s posts about Yeshua in the Tabernacle, I wanted to discuss the concept of how far the east from the west is. This...

Mixing Wool and Linen
One of the most perplexing verses in the Bible is Deuteronomy 22:11: “You are not to wear clothing woven with two kinds of thread, wool...

G-d Is Enough
Yesterday on Torah Bites I went in a little different direction with the message. I addressed only one Torah verse to make the point that...

When You Want to Soar Like an Eagle...but your wings have been clipped
Let's face it, there's just some days that we feel like that piece of bubble gum stuck underneath the seat in G-d's movie theatre. We've...

Forgiveness - It's Not a New Testament Concept
A lot of times we hear the First Covenant spoken of in less than complimentary terms regarding its “patriarchal” tone and “draconian”...

Torah - A Form of Worship?
In Torah Bites, we discussed how G-d fashioned the world and mankind through his Word, his Memra, the authoritative creative force of his...

Genesis and The Word
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh. According to the Aramaic this Word is called the Memra.

What Are Torah Bites?
Torah has become a passion of mine. I have become greatly saddened as more and more leaders of the Christian faith tell us that the First...

How Perfect is Perfect?
I don’t know about you, but when I read verses in the scriptures that tell me to “be perfect,” I have to cringe and hang my head in...

Tzitzit (Tassels)
Yesterday we discussed the mixing of wool and linen and the reasoning behind the commandment. We talked about how a mixture of wool and...
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