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Last Words Of Moses - Torah Portion Vezot ha’Bracha
A Song of Warning - Torah Portion Ha’azinu
Joshua To Lead - Torah Portion Vayelech
Torah Portion Nitzavim
What Is Expected - Torah Portion Ki Tavo
74 Commands - Ki Tetze
A Prophet Like Moses - Torah Portion Shoftim
Can you “See” - Torah Portion Re’eh
"IF" - Torah Portion Ekev
Called to Be Separate - Torah Portion Va’etchanan
The Same Unchanging God - Torah Portion Devarim
Keeping Promises - Torah Portion Mattot/Massei
The Broken Man -Torah Portion Pinchas
A Talking Donkey - Torah Portion Balak
The Red Heifer - Torah Portion Chukat
Beware of Following the Wrong Voice - Torah Portion Korach
Torah Portion Shelach
The Mixed Multitude - Beha’alotcha
Aaronic Blessing - Torah Portion Nasso
Into The Wilderness - Torah Portion Bamidbar
Shemitta and Jubilee/Redeeming Persons- Behar/Bechukotai
Elohim speaks/Called to be holy - Torah Portion Emor
Duties of the High Priest /Strange Temple Happenings - Torah Portion Acharei Mot / Kedoshim
The Evil Tongue - Torah Portion Tazria/Metzora
Death of Nadab and Abihu - (Unclean animals) Torah Portion Sh'mini
The Cost of Sin - Torah Portion Tzav
The 5 Offerings - Torah Portion Vayikra
These are the words - Torah Portion Vayak'hel/Pekudei
13 Attributes of Mercy-Torah Portion Ki Tisa
The High Priest’s Garments - Torah Portion Tetzaveh
His Presence on Earth - Terumah
Obedience Without Understanding - Torah Portion Mishpatim
A Marriage Covenant - Yitro
Stand Still and See the Salvation of the LORD -Torah Portion Beshalach
The Last Plagues/The Passover and Exodus from Egypt - Torah Portion Bo
The Seven Promises - Torah Portion Va’era
The Memorial Name of God - Torah Portion Shemot
The Destiny of the Sons of Israel and the Death of Jacob/Joseph - Torah Portion Vayechi
The Revealing of Joseph and Shadows of Messiah Yeshua - Torah Portion Vayigash
Joseph and Pharaoh - Torah Portion Miketz
Torah Portion Vayeshev - Joseph and the coat of many colors.
Torah Portion Vayishlach - Jacob wrestles with Elohim
Torah Portion Vayetze - Bethel and the Promises of God
Torah Portion Toldot - Jacob and Esau
Chayei Sarah - The Life of Sarah
Torah Portion Vayera - Abraham, Sarah, and the Promised Son
Torah Portion Lech Lecha - Abram Crosses Over
Torah Portion Noach - As in the Days of Noah
Torah Portion B’reisheet - In the Beginning
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